For Pharmaceutical Companies

Shortest distance to pharmacy shelves

MetaPharma is Iraq's first and only electronic pharmaceutical marketplace. Putting your products in the heart of the live Iraqi marketplace and increase your marketshare.

Simple supply chain

Our advanced platform facilitates Iraq's specific supply-chain from manufucturing, through international shipping, to pharmacy shelves. We provide:

  • Promote in the heart of a live electronic market
  • Logistics automation and resources to make Iraq market more accessible for your products
  • Develop analytics using accurate and robust market data
  • Strategy consulting services to assist you achieve your goals in Iraq

We also collaborate with Iraq’s Ministry of Trade (MoT), Ministry of Health (MoH), Syndicate of Iraqi Pharmacists; forming regulations and implementation to develop market trends and practices.

Contact us

Iraq Pharmaceuticals Market

Iraq map
  • 2+ billon dollar per year market
  • 3,000 pharmacies and 200+ suppliers in Baghdad alone
  • 20-40% average missing items everyday
Arabic locale label